After a wonderful visit to Virginia and Georgia with family and friends, we made our way down to Florida in our loaded down Trooper. We had a caravan with Jason and Kristina, River, and Diego. Our three vehicles and their two trailers were a site on the road! But we all arrived safely in Florida on schedule.
Our time in Florida was very mixed and went by too fast. We enjoyed visiting with family and friends! Planned and executed a baby shower! Packed our 8 bags to precise weight and size requirements! The days flew by and before we knew it we were saying goodbye again and boarding our plane...

Our airport and flight experience was uneventful. Some of you know of our concern for the "red light" at customs in Mexico. After security checks, you push a button and get a "green" or "red" light, red is bad of course. It means you must then open all of your bags and let customs agents rummage through them looking for goods you may not have declared. Our fear wasn't undeclared goods, but that we may not get our bags repacked! One in particular was our deliberately overweight bag, it was a mess, it had anything and everything in it and if you opened it, you may as well just live in the airport. But we got the "GREEN" light! Hey, it's the small things that make us happy!

Anyway...the Cancun airport is a dream...very clean and user friendly. Right outside the doors are the buses you take to anywhere! We took our 4 hr bus to Merida and arrived in the evening. Our friend Jeff picked us up and drove us to his house where his lovely wife Deb had prepared dinner...lasagna! Yes our first night in Mexico and we ate was perfect!
We hope we haven't already lost some of you...just hang in there and keep reading, it gets better.
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